Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Sitting and waiting

There hasn't been a lot of activity for quite some time. We have now cut the grass on our block! It took 4 hours as it was so long, and the block is just over 1000m metres. We did it over two weekends, Sunday after church, and the following Saturday. I was using the mower and Nath was using the whipper snipper, as the grass to too long to get through with the mower in parts. Mum also came is great timing and helped out for the last bit, as well as bring drinks. So here is our lovley block, ready to build on....

There's mum at the back of the block....

You can see just how long the grass is in this photo. No wonder it took so long!

This is how our house will be positioned on the block. We weren't that keen on it to start with. However at the VERY start PRD had our house aligned with the fence of the right hand side, only 1m from the fence too. Given that we would be getting no light coming into the house, as the main living areas were on the other side, we opted to flip the house and centralise it. So splitting the yard into two. I really quite like it now. I mean one side can have the side access and the shed and clothes line etc and the other can have the lovely garden and kiddy play area (for when we have them of course).

Our house on our block :)
We ended up asking for a dispensation so that our setback could be smaller. Local council rules were that the setback had to be the average of the two houses next to you. So ours was 5.8m. This meant the distance from the back of the house to the fence was only 1.2m. We didnt think this would work very well. Lucky we have two very good neighbours who were both ok with the setback being brought forward, so we now have 2m from the back of the house to the fence. Feeling much better about it now. 

I'm really looking forward to seeing it call come together. Given we have so much land at the front, we are tossing up the idea of making a semi-circle drive through driveway. Will see how much it costs before making up our minds :)


  1. The Drysdale is a fantastic home. Hope you have better luck with trades building it then we did. Don't let them get away with poor quality during the build, and be there as much as you can to keep them honest.

  2. Heya
    Thanks for your comment.
    Hopefully we get some good ones :) it will only be the 2nd house in traralgon through PD so hoping that's an advantage :)

    How long did yours take to build?
    Are you loving it now? Any changes you wished you made?

  3. Refer to our blog, it hasn't been a pleasant experience building with PD. The house is getting there though and we are happy with how it WILL look. Tomorrow we are meeting a construction supervisor on site to find out why seven weeks after Practical Completion Inspection we still are no closer to getting settlement on our new home.

  4. wow you guys are going through a bit aren't you! just checked out your blog. i hope it resolves for you
