Sunday, 9 February 2014


We had our PCI on Friday of last week, the 8th of Feb, with handover hopefull this Thursday 13th Feb (so long as our bank is organised!)

There were no major dramas with our house, we have been addressing them along the way and they have been fixed along the way.

There were many paint touch ups, as well as wall clean ups, so lots of post it notes. The other things were:

  • tile chipped in ensuite
  • basin not centered in bathroom
  • mortar a different colour under bathroom window
  • pencil marks on floor where the bolero was measured up
  • garage floor to be cleaned of paint spills and concrete blobs
we were also concerned re an obvious line in the carpet, but our supervisor assured us that this would go down over time. 

So all in all we were pretty happy with things. 

Looking forward to getting the keys and starting to move in from this week. Though the removalist wont come for a few more weeks as we want to get the shed and the drive way/crossover done first. Otherwise we would have a heck of a lot of mess in our new home!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

One week until handover

Its nearly here! one week to go. Wow its been a long time coming, but the end stages have gone rather quickly, i think.

a nice clock i found in Kmart of all places. I usually dont like buying from there due to ethical reasons, but i cant find a clock like this anywhere else, so i'm a hypocrit :(

Shower screens are in

Ensuite mirror

View from hallway door

now the floors have been cleaned they are a very different, colour. I'm loving them even more now

new kind of shower grate

Fence has gone!!!

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